Saturday, January 14, 2012

It's Friday, Friday, Fun, Fun, Fun, Fuq!

Hey peeps. SAYA RINDU SAMA KAMOOO, ayat anak Rashid.
was the title long as bish? that's actually the lyrics from Rebecca Black-Friday. sumpah her voice sucks.

k ni cerita time kat sekolah to be exact. all students in smkss dah tahu kan yang friday got gotong royong activity on last two periods? in my dictionary, gotong royong means fun. extra time with friends, talk and talk and dance and sing. time perhimpunan pagi tuh, when the teacher said bout gotong royong things i was like

"gotong gotong gotong royong YEAY"

first period is pjk, and i dancing as fuq and sing "i gotta move like jagger" and zet, baya and intan was like 

"uuu hyper gila nini" 

heheh i know rite. and btw, aku dengan intan sudah rasmikan competition minum air mineral sampai habis after pihak sekolah merasmikan kempen bring botol air yang berisi air ke sekolah. intan dah win 2-0 and i was like okay okay, 2 je pun. zet joined sekali from now on. kalau nak join meh sini, daftar dulu yerrr.

balik kelas yang placing at 4th floor, penat as fuq. sekali minum air terus habis. heheh i win. intan punya air pun habis but she's second lah, and we were like "kena beli air lagi time rehat nih"

second period are geo and sejarah, geo senang sangat and sejarah, i getting love with it but time sejarah tadi, i tak berapa focus, i don't know why tetiba je terus habis. and as aku and intan thought it so, we got a full bladder which means "toilets here we come". nampak ustazah tunggu kat luar, omg macam mana nih dah tahan dah. aku dengan intan dah macam

aku dengan intan waiting for ustazah to say "duduk". when everyone sit, we're run fast to ustazah like cheetah and dengan malu malu kucingnya tanya ustazah untuk ke tandas.


after we step out of the class, we're like


in toilets, and blahblahblahs tetibe aku jerit macam budak kena rasuk. 

intan dengan takutnya tanya 

"kenapa nini? kenapa?" 

"intan, aku..aku punya...128936478 98364..AAAAAAAAAAA"

tak boleh dah nak dance macam mick jagger. AAAAA.  masuk kelas, punyalah jalan dengan lemah lembutnya. and beb, aku kena berdiri cos tak siap rampaian. what? what? rampaian? oh shit malu gila kena berdiri for the first time on this year. malu malu. after that, recess, mt, bm then gotong royonggggg YEAY BABE.

but unfortunately it's not like what i thought so, all my friends got works to do, me also. i decorate the paper and everything. semua buruk. aku tahu.

 then at the time i want to decorate the others, someone sat on my place, i was like 

"ooh, okay i take other place"

tanpa sedar i sat beside my exy. omg why? dia macam..tak seronok or something. 

"wey aku bosan ah, kau bosan tak?"

act normal "tak bosan ah, mana ada bosan, best kot"

terdiam seketika...

"nini, jom kapel balik"

wtfffffff "eh, kau kan dengan zira"

"aku dengan zira tu fake je ah" 


"nak tak"

of course not, i'm with me now "tengoklah"

suddenly haikal datang.

"kenapa wey?"

wtffff! perlu ke?? why at the time like this?! why time aku duduk sebelah laki baru kau nak ambil berat, time aku duduk sorang sorang takde ah pulak kan. k be cool nini. watlekk.

"takde apa apa pun" 


he walk away, then my ex walk away

to be honest, it's not friday like rebecca punya friday, this absolutely friday like the thriller movie called

Every Songs Contain Stories

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